Welcome to a personalized and deeply healing massage experience!

In your treatment, Leroy will connect with your energy and tune in to what both you and your body require for ultimate healing.

Leroy will then work with a blend of massage styles and healing modalities – from Kahuna to craniosacral therapy – to nourish your soul, body and mind.

His aim is to help you let go, breathe, and restore wellness to your system.

No two treatments are exactly the same, but each is equally powerful.

Leroy’s healing hands will help you find the relaxation and alignment you seek to live a better quality of life.

90 Minute - Introduction Offer $130
90 Minute Treatment $150
3 x 90 Minute Treatment $420 (save $60)
6 x 90 Minute Treatments $780 (save $120)
12 x 90 Minute Treatments $1500 (save $360)

Book an Appointment Online

For your convenience, you can book your appointment online with our secure online booking tool — or call us at 04 01 640 733.